Every UT Dallas engineering and computer science senior is required to work on a team-oriented capstone project (senior design course). This final project lets them fully engage in the design process as well as use their teamwork, project-management and problem-solving skills.

UTDesign is a program designed to provide our students with a meaningful experience while working on their capstone project. UTDesign partners with the industry to bring the students the opportunity to work on real computer science problems.

UTDesign projects are proposed, sponsored, mentored and owned by companies. Students not only get to work on real world problems, but also get to work in an environment similar to industry professionals.

A UT Dallas Advisor is a professor or instructor from UT Dallas who agrees to supervise a team of 4 to 6 students working on an industry proposed project. The UT Dallas Advisor lends his/her expertise to the project topic and provides guidance to team members as they execute the project. The UT Dallas Advisor’s work complements the guidance provided by the corporate mentor.

UTDesign Capstone team with Tech Titans award


Learn what is occurring in industry and possibly further your research

Share your specialized expertise with a team of dedicated, highly motivated students

Interact with engineers from industry and build your professional network

Support a key program that prepares our students for engineering careers

Help build relationships between the Jonsson School and local companies

Help distinguish our graduates from those of other universities


The UT Dallas Advisor advises the team from the start to the end of the project (one semester for computer science, two semesters for engineering). To help the team achieve success, the UT Dallas Advisor must:

  • Advise the team during the design process, ensuring a project deliverable
  • Connect the team to technical resources and experts necessary to understand and complete the project
  • Help the team establish and meet benchmarks
  • Facilitate the student-corporate relationship
  • Foster teamwork and self-confidence

One of a UT Dallas Advisor’s most difficult tasks is finding the right advisory balance on the project.

Students should come up with their own solutions. The UT Dallas Advisor’s role is to advise and guide the students, but is not to solve the problem for them. UT Dallas Advisors are permitted to provide technical advice but should minimize contributions of intellectual property to the project.


UT Dallas Advisors should expect to spend an average of two hours per week working with each team. A summary of the tasks expected is as follows:

  • Be familiar with the project. Know the project goals, status and individual team members’ contributions.
  • Ensure that the project’s scope remains realistic.
    If the scope is too large, the students won’t be able to deliver.
    If the scope is too small, they won’t be challenged.
  • Hold regular team meetings.
    Weekly meetings are mandatory.
  • Maintain open communication with the corporate mentor and team.
    If possible, attend the corporate kick-off event with the team.
  • Develop an effective team.
    Make certain the team members learn about the strengths and skills of one another to work effectively. Have them choose a team leader. Hold the students accountable for their assignments.


Every purchase needs approval from the team’s UT Dallas Advisor. Purchase request forms will be returned to the team if they have not been previously approved by the UT Dallas Advisor. Approval can be done through email or by signing the request form.

The UTDesign purchase process document  provides all the information needed to order what the team needs for the project.

It is very important that your team reads and understand the procedure.