Comet Robotics Triumphs at BattleBots: Metal Mayhem 2024

March 14, 2024

The buzz of excitement filled the air at South by Southwest 2024 as teams from universities across the country gathered for the BattleBots: Metal Mayhem competition. In the heart of the arena, amidst the whirring of gears and the clashing of metal, Comet Robotics, the pride of UT Dallas, stood tall. Their latest creation, Desserts, gleamed under the spotlight, ready to take on any challenger.

As the first fight of the event began, the arena buzzed with anticipation. Robots clashed and sparks flew in a flurry of activity. Amidst the chaos, UT Dallas celebrated victory as UC Berkeley’s robot was sent flying skyward, much to the surprise of the spectators (as seen in the picture above).

But the true spectacle wasn’t just in the arena. Command Sergeant Major Hester found himself unable to tear his gaze away (as seen in the picture above). His eyes widened in astonishment and his jaw dropped in disbelief. The victory only fueled the fire within the UT Dallas team. The cheers of their supporters echoed through the arena, a testament to their unwavering dedication and skill.

As the competition continued, UT Dallas maintained their momentum, intensifying their rivalry with UT Austin. In a highly anticipated grudge match, Comet Robotics emerged victorious in three of their five matches before bowing out, definitely exceeding expectations from their competitors.

And so, as the sun set on South by Southwest 2024, the legacy of Comet Robotics shone brighter than ever. With Desserts leading the charge, they proved themselves as true champions of innovation, ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead.