UTDesign Capstone Spring 2021 Expo – Innovation Guaranteed!
June 15, 2021
The UTDesign Capstone Spring 2021 Expo season was a roaring success!
Bioengineering, electrical and computer engineering and mechanical engineering student projects were displayed and discussed at the expos held on May 7, 2021, while computer science students presented their projects at their expo held on May 15, 2021.
Conducted virtually, the expos collectively showcased some of the best work of our undergraduate engineering and computer science students across a wide variety of topics, including COVID-19 mitigation, drones, innovative ultrasound technology, improvement of air quality, wearable technology and so much more. Each of these solutions was designed to address current challenges.
Categories for the UTDesign Capstone Spring 2021 Expo winners included mechanical application, biomedical application, materials application, software application, design challenge and electrical and computer engineering.
Learn more about the mechanical and biomedical engineering UTDesign Capstone projects.
Discover the original ideas of the electrical and computer engineering UTDesign Capstone projects.
Enjoy the amazing technology demonstrated in the computer science UTDesign Capstone projects.